MIDWAY Labs Presents Marketing Campaign with Bruno Gagliasso and Giovanna Ewbank

Global actors Bruno Gagliasso (@brunogagliasso) and Giovanna Ewbank (@gio_ewbank) are the stars of the new campaign of Midway Labs, an international brand specializing in dietary supplements. The TV commercial, produced by director Thiago Jenne of the 8588 Studio, was based in the city of Rio de Janeiro and will be broadcast in 2017 on TV Globo. Follow the photos of the making of Elvis Moreira. The results were amazing! The campaign comes to consolidate the brand in the Brazilian market. The couple is the perfect face of the   15056648_1775845782681373_800610018830319616_n gio-2_329726gio-3_329727Foto-Midway-ok By Revista Endorfina Source: www.revistaendorfina.com.br/midway-apresenta-campanha-com-bruno-gagliasso-e-giovanna-ewbank